Tuesday 17 October 2017

Evaluation of 'The Confrontation'
Overall, I feel that our confrontation piece went well because we all worked well as a team to produce the video. What I think went well was the use of sound effects as they really suited the video clip. Furthermore, the editing was well done and looked fairly professional as we covered up most of our mistakes with editing. Our use of shot reverse shot and match on action was also well done and I feel that we have completed this video to the best of our ability as everyone in our group was involved in editing at some point meaning that it was collaborative. To improve, I'd personally say that getting rid of the scene where one of our characters push things off a table would do the whole video justice as that part seemed to confuse the audience we showed it to. In addition, there were a few issues with lighting meaning that we had to colour grade it. We had to zoom the shot in at the beginning due to a filming error so next time, we will make sure that we are aware of the issue before the end of filming. There were also a few sound issues that could have been fixed but, overall I feel that our short video went well seeing as it was our first task.
Image result for the breakfast club

    Evaluation of 'The Confrontation'   Overall, I feel that our confrontation piece went well because we all worked well a...