Saturday 2 September 2017

Film clip analysis

Clip: Jaws

Genre: Thriller and Drama film (unintentionally a comedy film too)

We can see that Jaws is a thriller due to the occasionnal jump scares and the feeling of constant suspense throughout the film. This genre is also linked to the feeling of anxiety, excitement and anticipation which is definitely seen. However, there are many scenes that viewers find amusing which was unintentional by the directors of the film. Therefore, it is debatable whether this film is considered a comedy or not.

Camera shots:
In this scene, a high angle is used looking down on the character Matin Brody to show him throwing some bait into the water. The shark is in clear view coming up behind him. This adds suspense as we as the viewer can see this but the character cannot meaning that the character is in the unknown for a couple of seconds. The music in the background adds to this suspense as it suddenly begins as the shark appears behind him. Furthermore, there is a mid-long shot of the two characters on the boat which then turns into a low angle shot. This shot is used to show the character looking out into the distance which creates a dramatic effect. A point-of-view shot is also used when the characters are looking out into the distance and see the shark swimming towards them. This croates anticipation for us as an audience because we dont know what will happen next or what the next move the characters will make is. This shot helps us to understand more of what they're feeling as we can place ourselves in their situation more easily when seeing it from the point -of-view.The directors also use a mixture of a bird's eye view shot from above and use this to make the planning movement following the shark. This further croates suspense as we can see the great size of the Shark compared to the characters in this part of the scene, creating a sense of danger. 

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